Rogue Magazine Lifestyle 5 Things to Photograph Before Leaving the Scene of a Wreck

5 Things to Photograph Before Leaving the Scene of a Wreck

It’s understandable that you’re emotional after an automobile accident has taken place. However, there are some key steps that you should take to protect yourself and prepare for any future legal issues or insurance claims. Let’s review five things to photograph before leaving the scene of a wreck.


1. Vehicle Damage


It’s important that you document any damage that has occurred to your vehicle, as well as the other vehicles that are involved. Take photos from all angles, accurately depicting the severity of the damage. This is information that you will likely need to submit to your insurance company to have vehicle repairs performed and the cost covered for you. If the wreck occurs at night, photograph the damage at the scene but also the next day in better lighting.


2. License Plate and Personal Information of the Other Party


It helps to write down any relevant information for the other people involved in the accident. However, photo proof is much more important if you’re going to be faced with any kind of legal battle soon. Take a photo of the license plates on the other vehicles that are involved. Make sure that you take a few different angles so you can see the type of vehicle that the plate is on. Other information that you should document includes license and registration information, insurance providers, addresses, phone numbers, etc.


3. Visible Injuries


Using photographs, document any injuries that you have suffered because of the crash. It helps if you have someone else take the photos, so they are clear and include the entire injury. Make sure that you seek medical attention for any injuries that you have. You will want to retain any documentation that you receive from the medical team who evaluates you. Be sure to take photographs of any bruises, cuts, or scrapes that happen to you or any passengers in your car.


4. Relevant Road Conditions


Take a photo of anything in the nearby area that contributed to the crash. This includes road damage, debris in the road, animals in the area, broken or missing street signs, weather-related problems, etc. Not every automobile accident will be caused by driver negligence. Make sure that you have proof of what the issue was that led to the wreck.


5. The Location of the Accident Scene


You want your photographs to include evidence of where the accident was located. This should include street signs and notable buildings and structures nearby. Include all the vehicles involved in the photos. Photos should show where the vehicles ended up as the result of the crash and the damage that has occurred.


Remember, this photographic evidence is going to be extremely important to the professionals who are involved once the accident is over, and you need legal counsel. Whether there is a need to prove who was at fault or to prove that you were not the person who caused the accident, photo proof is ideal. Simply documenting your injuries or the damage that was caused to your vehicle can help you secure compensation for medical treatments, therapies, and vehicle repairs.

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