Rogue Magazine Lifestyle The New Year is All About Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

The New Year is All About Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

When people think of the New Year, they often might make a list of things/goals they want to accomplish as January hits. Studies actually show that around 3 in 10 Americans create their own New Year’s resolutions list each year. There are so many different resolutions people choose, from diet and exercise, to more professional goals like a raise or promotion. But have you ever thought about adding crocheting to your list for this upcoming year? Crafting and crocheting is a great way to not only stay productive in your free time, but is an avenue to practice self care. 

Now you may be thinking, why crochet? Crocheting is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and learn something new. The opportunities are endless when it comes to crocheting, and can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride over your creations. Instead of spending your free time watching TV, maybe crocheting is a more constructive way to pass the time. 

“The best thing about crocheting is that you get out of it, what you put into it. Some people crochet just for fun, or to practice self care, or even to sell their masterpieces in a small business. The more effort you put in to test your skills and try new things, the more opportunities are out there for you to create. There is nothing universal about crafting and that’s what makes it so unique for everybody,” says Corey Pearson, Chief Quilt Artist and Brand Ambassador at Linda’s.

Even if you don’t have any crochet experience, don’t let it deter you from trying something new. Everyone has to start somewhere, and being a beginner is not a bad thing. The more you stick to the craft, the better you will become. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you be successful with your New Year’s resolution: 

Tip #1: Learn Basic Stitches

Practicing and mastering the basic stitches is the first step to begin crocheting. You don’t have to have the most advanced skills in the book on your first try. In fact, jumping to the hard stuff can set you back because you have to learn step-by-step. 

Single crochet stitch, slip stitch and chain stitch are the most common. Once you learn these stitches, you can build them into more complex patterns. Crocheting can be difficult so start easy and then work your way up. 

It’s also important to remember that you are a beginner, and that’s perfectly okay. Crocheting can be a difficult craft to get the hang of, but knowing the most basic stitches will help you get comfortable with the process, and help you figure out your rhythm. Once you feel confident in your skills, then you take a leap into something else that’s new. 

Tip #2: Keep Tension Consistent

Patience is key when crocheting. This might be a practice of trial and error, but it’s important to keep the same level of tension throughout each stitch. If you switch your tension over and over, it can make your project not look as uniform as you might be envisioning. 

Now, most people think they need to pull hard when crocheting, and you can definitely do it that way, but keeping the stitch relaxed and comfortable is the best way to set yourself up for success. The more relaxed your tension is, the easier it will be to move stitches throughout one another. If it’s too tight there might not be enough wiggle room. Make sure to play around with things and find what works best for you and your technique. 

Tip #3: Read Instructions Thoroughly

Reading directions might seem obvious, but a lot of people miss this step. When crocheting, it’s so necessary to really understand your patterns. A lot of directions have symbols for different stitches, so maybe look up and memorize what each symbol means before you begin. 

If you are starting your project blindly, not only will this cause some errors but it could make you frustrated. Crafting is a labor of love, so you have to put in the effort at every level to be successful, and that starts with reading the directions. Crocheting is like a new language, so it might take some time and practice to be well-versed, but it’s an important step to starting a new project.

Crocheting is the perfect hobby to add to your New Year’s resolutions list, because it can teach you so many things beyond just a craft. It can help you stay productive in your free time, and can help teach perseverance and problem solving. It’s also a great way to wind down at the end of the day. If you are looking to cultivate a successful list, crocheting is a great way to test your abilities in 2025. 

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