Steering problems while driving can put you in danger, especially if you don’t know how to respond to the emergency properly. If you do experience issues with your vehicle’s steering, staying calm and taking appropriate steps can help you regain control. In this article, we discuss some tips and strategies you can employ if you lose control of your vehicle on the road. If a vehicle defect does cause a collision, be sure to contact a Portland car accident attorney to discuss your legal options.
Responding to the Situation Calmly & Retaking Control
Experiencing steering problems can trigger a surge of adrenaline, but it’s important to avoid panicking. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that staying calm can help you get back in control and reduce the risk of serious injuries, either to yourself or others. Stay focused on the road and what’s happening around your vehicle.
Keep a firm grip on the steering wheel, even if it feels stiff or unresponsive. Losing your grip can only make the situation worse, as it will likely result in a total loss of control. Even partial control is better than none at all in an emergency situation.
The most important thing you can do after a partial or total loss of control is bring your car to a safe stop. Do so by gently easing off on the accelerator so that your car can begin to coast to a stop. You should not slam on the brakes, as this can make your wheels lock or cause you to lose control of the car. Switch on your hazard lights to alert other drivers to your plight, so they know to give you space to come to a safe stop.
Your initial actions set the stage for a safe resolution. By staying calm, maintaining control, and taking initial steps to address the emergency, you protect yourself and everyone else around you on the road.
Finding the Root Cause of the Steering Problem
Once you’ve slowed down and put on your hazard lights to indicate your vehicle’s mechanical issue, try to identify the type of steering problem you’re experiencing. Common issues include:
- Loss of power steering: If your steering wheel feels harder to turn than usual, you might have lost power steering assistance.
- Steering wheel vibrations: Vibrations can indicate unbalanced tires, worn suspension components, or internal steering system problems.
- Pulling to one side: If your car constantly pulls to one side while you are driving in a straight line, you might be dealing with misaligned wheels, uneven tire wear, or brake issues.
Listen for unusual sounds like clunking or grinding coming from the engine and be mindful of changes to the car’s handling. These contextual clues can give you a better sense of what issue you’re dealing with and how it can be best addressed.
What Should You Do Once You’ve Come to a Stop?
The first thing you should do is pull over to the road’s shoulder or into a parking lot. This reduces risk to your car’s occupants and allows you to inspect your car more closely in a safe environment.
Once your car is fully stopped, perform a visual inspection of the vehicle for damage. Keep an eye out for loose parts, fluid leaks, smoke, and flat tires. If you notice any clear signs of external damage, do not attempt to drive the car until it has been inspected by a qualified mechanic. Call for roadside assistance to have the vehicle towed to a repair shop. Explain the nature of the problem and your current location clearly for the dispatcher. Unless you have the proper tools and training, you should not attempt to fix complex steering issues yourself. This can worsen the situation and endanger you and others.
Preventing Future Problems By Having Quality Repair Work Done
Once you’re out of immediate danger, it’s vital to have your car thoroughly inspected and repaired to prevent future issues from occurring. Even if the initial repair seems to have solved the problem, you should still have the vehicle serviced. Determining the root cause of the problem can prevent additional costly repairs down the line.
Regular maintenance plays a crucial role in preventing future steering problems and ensuring overall vehicle safety. You should schedule routine checkups as recommended by your vehicle’s manual. If you notice issues or believe there is something wrong with your car’s performance, don’t wait for the next scheduled inspection. Have your vehicle checked out as soon as possible. Proactive maintenance allows you to address minor issues before they escalate into bigger problems.
Avoiding Accidents Caused by a Loss of Control
Steering problems can be scary for even an experienced driver. If you find yourself in such a situation, do your best to remain calm and regain control of your car. By safely getting off the road and having your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic, you can protect your wellbeing and reduce the risk of future problems.We hope this article helps you and your loved ones avoid dangerous situations on the road!