Rogue Magazine Top Stories Overcoming Betrayal, and How to Move Forward

Overcoming Betrayal, and How to Move Forward

Today I am going to talk about betrayal, and how one can overcome betrayal.

Before we begin, let me first explain what betrayal is. Betrayal occurs when a friend or loved one breaks your trust in some way. This betrayal could come from the betrayal trauma that occurs after being cheated on or raped, or it could simply be breaking a promise or lying.

The betrayal trauma that occurs because of betrayal is sometimes so extensive it can take months, even years to overcome betrayal. This betrayal trauma affects how one views themselves and others, making it difficult to move forward in life. Overcoming betrayal is truly incredibly difficult, but not impossible. However, I’ll get into that later. Right now I want to discuss the betrayal trauma itself.

After betrayal, it’s common to feel insecure or unsafe in social situations, and can cause one to act “clingy.” It may be difficult to trust others, especially when betrayal comes from a loved one. There are also sexual consequences, such as avoiding sex with your spouse because of the betrayal that occurred in the past, or if betrayal came from your spouse, you may not want to ever have sex with them again. Sometimes betrayal is so severe it can lead to issues in daily life, such as quitting jobs because of betrayal trauma.

Betrayal also affects many different areas of one’s life aside from their social and sexual lives. Betrayal can affect one’s work life, as betrayal trauma may cause one to have difficulty focusing on the task at hand. Betrayal may even lead to depression or anxiety attacks.

There are some less severe effects betrayal has on someone’s life, too. Someone who has been recently betrayed may become more self-conscious of their body image because betrayal makes them feel unworthy of sex. The betrayal can make someone doubt themselves, causing them to either over-exaggerate the betrayal or completely deny it occurred.

One way to overcome betrayal is through betrayal trauma therapy. This type of therapy aims to resolve betrayal issues by focusing on behaviors that are unrelated to the betrayal itself, such as learning to trust others again. This type of betrayal trauma therapy is not for everyone, though; betrayal trauma therapy can potentially bring more betrayal trauma to surface or may even repeat the betrayal trauma that occurred in the past.

Another way to overcome betrayal is through forgiveness. However, this doesn’t mean you should automatically forgive your friend or loved one who betrayed you. Forgiveness is given when betrayal has occurred, but it doesn’t mean that you should ever trust that person again. If betrayal came from your spouse or lover, forgiveness may come with time; this betrayal trauma can be difficult to overcome due to the high-stress level between both parties.

If betrayal came from a friend, forgiving them may be a bit easier, as betrayal from a friend isn’t as serious as betrayal from a spouse or lover. However, if betrayal came from a family member, it’s going to be much more difficult to forgive them because of the strong bond between family members. Moving forward is difficult when betrayal has occurred due to this strong bond that exists between family members. In these situations, betrayal trauma therapy may bring betrayal issues back to the surface.

In conclusion, betrayal is a very difficult thing to overcome, but not impossible if one seeks out betrayal trauma therapy or forgiveness from those who have betrayed them. If betrayal didn’t come from a friend or loved one, moving forward will be a little easier as long as betrayal trauma therapy is sought out.

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