Rogue Magazine Health How Moms Are Keeping Children Safe During Covid-19

How Moms Are Keeping Children Safe During Covid-19

There are a substantial number of ways to keep children safe during the pandemic. Of course, it is not easy because people of all ages are suffering from COVID-19. The good news is that moms like Rachel Harow are remaining optimistic. Children have much healthier immune systems than those who are elderly. Doctors all over the world are fighting to bring a vaccine into the coming new year. So many individuals are terrified that their young ones will get sick but it’s important to keep them as happy as possible. One way of doing so would be ensuring that children are equipped with a substantial amount of hand sanitizer. If they are not, then they could get sick easily. Unfortunately, is his human nature to put fingers, small objects, and teething toys in a young person’s mouth. Many babies have pacifiers that they rely on. So having to break such developments becomes very difficult, especially for young children. Teething is a very aggressive form of development and children need to do it when they are younger. Refraining from doing so could cause problems down the line, especially with hygiene. Parents who have very young children, make sure to sanitize anything the children might be prone to putting in their mouths. By doing so they can manage what is sanitized and what is not. If children are going back to school then there is a higher chance they will get sick. The more people that are exposed to the virus, the more effects it will have. 

For parents, it is as important to keep yourself safe, as it is your children. Remember, if you get sick, your children will most likely be exposed to the virus as well. This makes them much more prone to illnesses in the future and there are major side effects that come with having COVID-19. In addition, quarantines from children who need breast milk is nearly impossible. Yes, social events are fun, but putting oneself at risk in the name of fun should not be negotiable. This virus is very lucrative. It can be very simple to look over if a person is sick or not. Some people are considered A-symptomatic which in turn makes it almost impossible to see if they have the virus until they are tested. That being said, just because one is a-systematic, does not mean people in the future will be as well. It’s critically important to social distance whether a person feels healthy or not. There should not be chances spared especially if children or other parents are around. The more a person comes in contact with others, the greater those statistics grow that they might receive the virus. Rachel Harow recommends sanitizing at least twice a day to ensure the safety of one’s family. 

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