Around 85% of married couples divorce because of a lack of commitment, which can develop if the love gradually fades.
Learning how to love your husband again is essential for protecting your marriage and returning to happier days. But it can feel overwhelming, especially if you’ve felt the passion dwindling. Maybe that’s why you’re here; you’re currently struggling and need help learning how to love again.
Sounds like you? No worries, we’ve got your back. Here’s how to love your husband even when you feel like giving up.
Practice Empathy
An essential piece of relationship advice is to practice empathy. It’s easy to talk down on our spouses if we’re angry or critical but this can have a devastating effect on your marriage.
Instead of nitpicking on their negative habits, come from a place of compassion. For instance, maybe your husband is disorganized because he’s stressed at work and doesn’t have much free time.
Write Down Everything You Love About Him
Another way to jumpstart loving your husband is to write down everything you love about him. This can be anything, from how he looks to the moment you fell in love with him. You should also focus on what you love about your marriage as a gentle reminder of why your relationship is still worth fighting for.
Have an Honest Conversation With Each Other
A healthy marriage is built on honesty so it’s important to discuss your feelings with him. Tell your spouse everything that’s on your mind and why you’re struggling in the marriage. Your husband may surprise you and feel the same way about it.
Regardless of where you both stand, having an honest conversation will let you both fix any marital issues and move on stronger than ever.
Go on a Date Together
One of the most underrated pieces of marriage advice is to schedule date nights. Life can be hectic, especially when juggling a career and kids, which means we forget to carve out time for our spouse. If this sounds familiar, dedicate a night each week where you can spend alone time together, whether you’re watching a movie or playing mini golf.
Schedule Alone Time Too
Although being together is important, every happy marriage values each individual’s independence. Many couples fall into the trap of thinking that spending time separately means that your feelings have changed, but it’s actually healthy. Because of this enjoy your own hobbies and spend time with your friends as it can feel overwhelming being together 24/7.
If you want to learn about other ways to improve your marriage, check out the link:
How to Love Your Husband
Hopefully, you’ll use these tips to love your husband once again.
There are many ways to reignite your passion, such as practicing empathy and focusing on what you love about your spouse. You should also have honest conversations and enjoy date nights together. Good luck!
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