When in recovery, one of the biggest challenges you will encounter is staying sober when people around you are either using drugs or drinking alcohol. On some occasions, these people will tell you it is only one drink or one puff, etc. At times, those people have yet to decide on staying sober, so it will be hard for them to respect your decision. However, it would help if you stay strong and determined not to give in. As discussed below, here are some ways to help you.
Create a Distance
Try and create some distance between you and the people, not staying sober. It might not always be easy, but you can make an effort. If you are living in an unhealthy situation, if possible, you can move out. Also, avoid places you usually go to to get high or drink. They might trigger a relapse. Inform your friends that are not in recovery that being around them is not healthy for you. There is a high chance you will lose some friends, but those who care about you will understand and respect your decision. Some may even choose to support you by not drinking or using drugs every time you hang out.
Form New Relationships
On your sobriety journey, you will realize that some relationships you held on to were toxic. Toxic relationships go beyond what you had with your drinking friends or a drug dealer. At times, even people around you can trigger a relapse. For instance, you may have built a co-dependent relationship with your friend where they were enabling you subconsciously. If you continue with these relationships, you are increasing the risk of a relapse. Therefore, focus on building healthy relationships to remain sober. If you are experiencing challenges with this, you can join a support group. Being around people that support your sobriety will help you make better lifestyle choices.
Avoid Giving In
Most of the time, you will come across people offering you a drink or marijuana. By assuming that you can handle just one drink in a day or drink on special occasions, you increase the chances of a relapse. Remember, you are not like other people. You are battling an addiction. Therefore, every time someone around you tries to coerce you into having just one drink, make a stand and say no.
Reach Out to Sober Friends
Spend more time with sober people, doing sober activities. This helps build your social life, and you get to explore fun things you can do without the influence of alcohol or drugs. Another advantage of sober friends is that they are supportive of your sobriety journey. They will gladly accompany you to parties and help you stay sober or avoid a relapse. As advised by http://oceansrecovery.com/, sober friends will hold your hand and remind you of the progress you have made when tempted to give in.
Keep a Non-Alcoholic Drink In Hand
When you go to places serving alcohol, order a non-alcoholic drink. If you are going to a party at a friend’s home, carry your own drink. It can be a protein shake or bottled water. However, having something with you will prevent other people from offering you one. It also makes declining a drink much easier. For instance, if the host asks to get you something, you can gently decline and tell them you have one already. Also, if you find you no longer fit in those situations, create an excuse to leave. For instance, you can tell them you have an early morning the following day, or you are meeting someone else.
On your recovery journey, you will have to make lifestyle changes to avoid putting your sobriety at risk. Therefore, try as much to remove yourself from people or circumstances that can easily trigger a relapse.