Rogue Magazine News The Benefits Of College Student Transfer And The Roadblocks In Their Way

The Benefits Of College Student Transfer And The Roadblocks In Their Way

Helping college students transfer from community college to university is a massive part of Kentucky’s plan for 60% of the population to achieve a postsecondary credential or degree by 2030. Student transfer is vital because it makes it much easier and cheaper for a student to continue their education. The cost of college can be cut down significantly when the student has previously attended a community college in an associate program and is transferring to a university into a bachelor’s program. Those who transfer and achieve their bachelor’s degree also make as much as 70% more than those who stop at an associates degree.

With all the benefits of transferring, too few students ever end up going down the transfer pathway. Of 30,000 students who start on their journey to transfer, only 23%, or 6,900, will transfer and only 3,800 will complete a bachelor’s degree within 6 to 7 years. The 2 + 2 formula, where a student spends 2 years at a community college and transfers to 2 years in a bachelor’s program is common knowledge, but only 8% of transfer students finish their college career in this manner.

Learn more about the hurdles students face while trying to transfer and how Kentucky is connecting community colleges to universities here.

Transfer success
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative

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